Hey everyone. Welcome to what will hopefully be a very exciting place on the internet. I guess I should tell you a little bit about Badgers In Top Hats.
Anyone that knows me, knows my obsession with badges, it's an ongoing very serious relationship that started back in 2001 (while I was in high school) I walked into the 2 Buck Shop and on the counter was a stand covered in badges :) I actually still have some of the original ones, most of them have gone missing over the years (like badges seem to do. They decide they want to see the world and unpin themselves from your jacket/bag/scarf etc and off they go). My collection grew and grew, until one day, they stopped selling them! (I know, right!) and that's where it stopped... well until I discovered eBay.
eBay was the most amazing thing for a badge collector, not only could you buy individual badges... but also buy bulk... 10, 20, 50, 100 badges AT ONCE for ridiculous prices! I used to pay $2 each, on eBay I could get 50 different badges for $20! My badge collection double (more likely tripled) OVERNIGHT! And eBay let me buy the badges that I wanted, badges for obscure tv shows like Red Dwarf and The Mighty Boosh, badges with celebrities on them, band badges for band I actually liked. It was wonderful! What could make it better? I could sense that my badge collecting life was somehow incomplete.
Badge collecting went quite for awhile. Occasionally I would find badges I would like, but as my interests changed and became a little less mainstream, it got harder to find badges I loved. If only I could make my own! But Badge presses were $800, not including badge components. I didn't have that sort of money to spend on it (sadface). I could start my own badge business... sell on eBay & Etsy, go to the local markets, sell to my friends... but I needed the money to get started.
My mother and one of her close friends started a charity this year called Kids Central. It's a local charity raising awareness about depression in young kids. Trying to combat depression before it gets out of hand. Lots of people didn't believe that a primary school child could have depression, but with bullying and cyberbullying so wide-spread it's hard not to believe. Anyway mum wanted badges for her charity, but to have them made by someone else would of cost her over $1000, so after much discussion (and begging from me) I convinced her to buy a badge press. I would make all her badges and any badges in the future and I could use the press to make badges, on one condition, I make a business of it. Including (might I add) a business plan, pricing and more. (All I've done so far is created a facebook page, this blog and business cards)
and thats how Badgers In Top Hats was born. We are the "badgers" and we are here to help you create the awesomest badges EVER!
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